The Summer Slump

I have hit a writing slump. Yikes, I thought this time I would be strong enough to hurdle over such creative blocks like the old nursery rhyme:

Jack Be Nimble

Jack Be quick

Jack jump over… the excuses, distractions, and busyness of life and get on with writing. Unfortunately, the month of June has proved to be a stumbling block for my writing goals. 

This morning, the first lazy Saturday of the month was spent reading a book. I flopped on the couch in pajamas as a gentle drizzle was heard outside. It is a hot summer day yet it is raining what a great excuse to grab a book. Content I lay on the couch until my husband asked the question:

“So Dianne what about your writing?”

I rambled off some viable excuses and yet I could feel the ball of nerves in my stomach tightening. The insecurity rising, “Is there anything in me to write about?”

I hate that I gave the doubt time to gain such strength inside. When I challenge myself to write consistently, I beat it back enough that I can hardly hear its weasel-like complaint. But today its voice was loud as I rattled on with excuses. Finally, I stopped to ask, “Well do you want me to write today?”

To my surprise, he said, “yes.” 

When someone believes in your writing there is something very powerful about that. Its like the doubts get smashed down by a huge doubt swatter. So I put down the book and pulled out my laptop and started over. There are only a few days of June left but I am going to write. I am not done, there are still fresh words inside.

As I sit here pounding out words I feel as if I have a cape. It is 12:30 PM and I am still in my pajamas, my hair is tossed into a messy bun, and I am barefooted, but in my mind, I have a cape fluttering in the breeze of creativity.

Words are spilling and it feels so good. So freeing. Like the dam has broken and feelings, are swirling in little currents.

I am free!!!!

Creativity is a gift of God to help us stay unstuck. Like the sunset every night, with colors splashed across the sky creativity gives us wonder beyond the ordinary. 

A few Saturdays ago I sat with my daughter Lydia at her art stand in her very first Art Show. We were surrounded by creativity. In the town square, vendors sold tacos as artists hung their wares. Pottery, paintings, and hand-woven clothing were on display as musicians sang. I felt inspired and well…tired. 

Getting her artwork together had taken me into the wee hours of the morning to gather up. I was functioning on three hours of sleep which seemed fine until I fell into a bush with walking tacos in my hands.

I was just walking and PLOP! Dianne was overboard so completely my legs were lost in the hedge as well. Luckily it was a soft bush or God’s angels were called in because I managed to save the tacos and come away without a scratch. Still I would bet I was definitely the butt of some jokes that day.

I share this to say, I have been tired, distracted, and overwhelmed with helping others lately. My writing life has consisted of nothing more than empty notebook paper and a blank computer screen…until today.

So, present Dianne, the one in the pajamas, Way to go! You are writing. 

(I am encouraging myself here, I know)

There are words still inside like a pent-up river. Friend, I want to encourage you today too. You are also full of creativity. So like my kind husband that took the courage to ask me the hard question today: Friend, what about your creative work?”

How is it going?

If you find yourself coming up with a million excuses to why you haven’t been at it lately hear yourself out. Tell it! List out all the reasons why you have stopped spilling out wonder. Have you fallen into a bush in the midst of a sleepless season? No judgment here, but still we have to stay with our creative call. So dust off your pants, pick up your tacos, and get back to it. We are waiting for you.


On Prayer


Lost in Wonder