Starting From Scratch

Starting from scratch can be exciting, but not if you are making a batch of cookies for a major event. It can be creative, but not if you are trying to do a Christmas production on a deadline. It can be exhilarating if you have the time, bandwidth, and resources, but who has such luxuries?

Still, I am in a season of starting from scratch. It’s January, the time of New Year resolutions. For me, it is the season of a new career. Sounds exciting right? But in all reality, I am not sure about the recipe yet. I can’t tell you for sure if I have the measurements right. I am really hoping I got the exit and entrances scribbled in at the right places. 

Life is a story we write moment by moment, day by day, and we have no idea what is truly coming next. It is an opportunity to buckle down and control as much as we can or it can be an invitation…

To trust.

To walk by faith

To look to a Higher power.

To lean on God.

In the past few months, Brad and I have been approaching this new season in different ways. He is a visionary, so he came toward the shift with energy and excitement. I am more of a homebody so my approach was more of a death grip on the known and comfortable. 

How God seems to put complete opposites together blows my mind.

Here we find ourselves at the end of our season as Full-time ministers in the church, and we both have different outlooks. But time does not just hold on a minute while we get our minds around the change. No, it doesn’t, so I am trying to start up my new life from scratch.

Have you been there? Have you walked in these shoes, too new to be broken into? How did it go for you?

All I can say is when everything is stripped away that is when you find out the true foundations of your life.

I realize from this point, at the starting line, my life is summed up in a few very important things. My faith, my family, my true friends: (those people who believe in you regardless of the crazy turns life brings your way), and my pursuit in life. 

I have spent the last 17 days listening to a Wisdom challenge based on the book of Proverbs. Every day a different person talked about the Proverb for the day. Since the book of Proverbs has 31 chapters and there are 31 days in January it has worked out perfectly.

I am realizing I want a heart of wisdom. I want to trust God fresh and new with my life. When I was younger I thought trusting God was a given, but I realize now that one must decide every day to follow, seek, and trust. I am not going on autopilot. I guess that is what happens when you start over from scratch. You have to pay attention, and maybe that is a hidden gift of the unknown.

Yes, starting from scratch can be exciting and it can be creative, but it can also be scary. That is why I am thankful for my faith. This trust that I am not in this alone. I have hope in God for a bright tomorrow as I lean in to hear how to walk into this new chapter of life.

From the time I was sixteen years old, I have loved this verse. It stands truer than ever as I write it now.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5&6. 

He has never failed me before and He won’t start now.


Snow Day


Under the Open Sky